Of course. I am working on the app on a daily basis. I just fixed a bug that was reported today. The last update was less than 1 month ago.
A "planned" feature was implemented last week and comes with the next update that is currently rolling out. There is also so much that is done "behind the scenes" that you don't necessarily see as a user, like fixing the last remaining bugs, performance improvements, keeping up with changes of the APIs of the cloud providers & development frameworks, providing support via forum & mails etc. etc. The app is available for 4 platforms and it can sometimes I focus on a certain platform, which causes less updates/changes on the other platforms.
"Approved" doesn't mean, that the feature will come to the app.
All in all I am quite comfortable how the app is looking, I don't want to add things for the sake of adding things. Many users like that the app isn't too complicated to use. If I implemented every feature requested, the app would be bloated and unusable.
Commenting on existing feature requests (like you did - thanks!) helps me getting a sense what really is still missing. Some things however just cannot be added due to the nature of the app or because of technical limitations.