LSD313 I would like to be able to select a task and start/stop work with a button on my watch. Operating system: Apple Watch OS 7.3.3
timo Would love to implement this but I am blocked by a Xamarin bug:
PeterMartel Any progress? See other timer apps are doing this. Not meant to compare, just looking at options. Noting this, "Available for all your devices," isn't exactly true:
timo Last time I checked I hit technical difficulties that I wasn't able to resolve. Will have another look soon!
Dan Hi There, any solutions or NEWS or progress 4 using the "Wristmachine"? ich bin nämlich ziemlich begeistert von deinen Apps, Timo! ☺️ Regards Denny
timo Nein, gibt leider derzeit nichts neues zu vermelden. Aber das Thema ist immer noch auf meinem Radar.
Caldzera Any updates on this feature request? As a self-employed lawyer who often has to switch between mandates within seconds, it is primarily the lack of this feature that prevents me from buying the software, as certain competitors would offer the feature (but it is not an option for me either due to data protection).
MaciejSmola Any updates? The original link to the issue seems to be closed. Does it mean that Apple Watch app is going to happen or not?
timo MaciejSmola It means that I would have to implement the Watch app in Swift (instead of C#/.NET). I did the same of the Widget extension already, but I imagine building a Watch app would be a lot more complex. I would still love to add this at some point in the future, but I don't see myself finding time for it in the next few months at least