Thanks a lot for the feedback @Bruno!
Bruno Work on the task(s) in WorkingHours (Start / pause / Stop)
So a "start/pause/stop" button in the ToDo list item and clicking it would start work on that todo? And when clicking "stop" the task would be marked "completed" or should that happen manually? If it should happen automatically, there's a few difficulties with that approach that I would need to overcome.
As the WorkingHours database schema doesn't know about ToDos (or calendar items for that matter), there would be no relation between the WorkingHours "work unit" and the Microsoft To Do item. WorkingHours would have to create a new work unit (using the title/description/date of the ToDo) and start that just as a regular work unit. As your requirement/suggestion would be to "finish" the ToDo after the timer on it has stopped (correct?), WorkingHours wouldn't know what ToDo to finish. WorkingHours could:
- write the ToDo id into the work unit details or field and once that work unit is being stopped, WorkingHours searched for a related todo item and calls the "complete" API (and removes that to do item from the WorkingHours list).
- search for a related ToDo item based on the previously copied title/date/description information and finish that
Both ways have the potential problem that when finishing the work unit, WorkingHours perhaps hasn't loaded yet the ToDos from the Microsoft Graph API and therefore doesn't know if there is a related ToDo to call "complete" on. The running work unit could also be stopped on a different device connected with the WorkingHours Cloud Sync that does not have the WorkingHours ToDo integration enabled and therefore couldn't call the finish API at all.
Considering all that, it might be better to only call the "complete" API when doing so manually (using a context menu option on the ToDo).
I am skeptical if I should use the tags from todos, at least in a first implementation. It would create more complexity and might be something that I could add to the integration at a later stage.
I don't know about Microsoft Planner and haven't used this before. This might also be something that I might add to the integration later on.
What are your thoughts on this?
Also, from what time frame should WorkingHours display the ToDos? The last 7 days only, like with the calendar integration?
Also, what date should be used for retrieving and sorting ToDos in WorkingHours, there seems to be a bunch of them and not all of them are required fields: