It would be great if the Description field could be made more useful. After using the program for a year, there are a lot of descriptions, many of which start in a very similar way. This renders the Description field suggestions largely pointless since I have to type most of the description string before the suggestions are narrowed down enough to easily select from.
I saw an older thread where this was discussed. But the suggestions wouldn't need to be wiped out; if there were a Settings option to sort them so that the most recent description would be on the top, it would be perfect. I usually continually switch between 2-3 most recent tasks, so if the most recent tasks were on the top, they'd be readily accessible.
I imagine a similar use case is a typical/common alternative to those who use WorkingHours with a small fixed set of tasks they track.
WorkingHours version: 2.11.27
OS + version: macOS Sequoia 15.3
Device model: MacBook Pro Max
The 24h time works well again! 🙂