Hello to everyone!
I would like to request the analytics feature of showcasing an overview of WHEN I did WHAT for HOW LONG, e.g. "from when to when I worked on X", to reflect on the efficiency and effectiveness of the tasks being executed exactly at this time or with this duration. If possible, by showcasing it in a calendar style and selecting specific items, displaying a total sum of what I did for how long on the bottom of each calendar day, e.g. to examine with which timing or which types of working hours successful days correlate the most to increase productivity.
If anyone in this forum can relate to this analytics feature, feel free to comment or thumbs up etc.
Kind regards!
i use all the common devices, but primarily...
WorkingHours version: 2.11.23
Operating system: Mac OS M1
Device model: Late 2020
- Android/iOS, always the latest devices and OS