WorkingHours always asks for "app-folder only" permission first. After WorkingHours gets this permission granted, sometimes the OneDrive still returns an "access denied" error when attempting to sync.
For OneDrive for Business accounts this is expected, because OneDrive for Business accounts require full access, as documented here:
The problem, however, also seems to happen for a small percentage of "normal", personal accounts. I don't know why and I haven't seen this happen in my tests with my personal accounts. Maybe it has to do something with where the "Applications" folder is located, I don't know.
Only when WorkingHours receives that "access denied" error from OneDrive when trying to sync with the "app folder only" permission, it falls back to requesting full permissions, simply because it just wouldn't work otherwise.
I am getting this feedback repeatedly in the last couple of days and weeks, and I'd like to investigate it if there's something I can fix or improve, but almost every time I ask for more infos, I don't get them (perhaps because users simply switch to another sync option, like Google Drive)... Not sure what I can do 😞