Hello, just bought the app and having a ball with it. Messed around with the lump sum option before realizing it's total period and not just total daily. That would be a nice feature too (such that it could auto calculate the amount you earned per day) but for now I'm using the tags system as a stand-in.
I love using the Analytics tab but I have tags for four categories, one for work, another for personal and another for school. That way I can see rough breakdowns of how I spent my time. But the variable earnings adjustment tag I made also shows up there, causing it to look like I spent more time than I actually did. I don't want to stack hours that way.
I would just like a permanent way to hide a tag in the Analytics tab. That way, whenever I click on Analytics, I get to see exactly how much time I spent, instead of doubling up on certain tasks' time. Thanks!
WorkingHours version:
OS + version: Windows 10 Pro 19045.5011
Device model: Custom built PC